
The Perfect Universe

must stop seeing, reading about, discussing, or listening
to conversation about sickness.

There is no other way under the sun except as we let go of that which we do not desire, and take that which we wish to have.

There is too much of this deceiving ourselves into thinking that we can do two ways at once.

We may deceive ourselves and possibly other people, but the law remains the same, a Law of mental correspondences, and nothing else.

We cannot go beyond our ability to realize the truth, water rises only to its own level.

In our patients as well as in ourselves and our environment we will reflect what we are, not at our best in the few moments of silence,
but in the long run of ordinary life and thought.

To acquire the larger consciousness is no easy task.


All that we have believed in which
contradicts the perfect whole
must be dropped from our thought,
and we must come to realize that
we are now living in a perfect universe,
peopled with perfect spiritual beings,
each of which

(coupled with the Great Divinity)
is complete within himself.


We must see that we are one in the great one,
and then we will not separate or divide, but unite and add to,
until in time we will find that we are living in
an entirely different world
from that in which we had once thought we were living.


Of course, this will meet with much opposition from those unenlightened souls whom we must contact in the world.

But what of that?

Remember, the great man is the one
who can keep in the crowd,
...the calm, even thought,
...the deep divine reliance on principle.

And more, this is the only way to help or to save the world.

In time all people will come to the same understanding.

You are lifting up the standard of life, and those who are ready
will follow.

You have no responsibility to save the world
except by exemplifying the truth.

The world must save itself.

All are alike; there is no difference between one person and another.


Come to see all as a divine idea;
stop all negative thought;
think only about what you want,
and never about what you do not want,
as that would cause a false creation.


Too much cannot be said about the fact that all are dealing with only one power, making and unmaking for man through the creative power of his own thought.

If there is something in your life
that you do not want there,
stop fighting it---forget it!


Ernest Holmes

Clarify and Purify

You have sole ownership of your vision.

And the Universe
will give you
what you want
within your vision.

What happens with most people is that
they muddy their vision with "reality."

Their vision becomes full of not only what they want
but what everybody else thinks about what they want, too.

Your work is to clarify and purify your vision
so that the vibration that you are offering
can then be answered.



The World of Cause

There are people all around us who are continually giving out blessings and comfort, persons whose mere presence seems to change sorrow into joy, fear into courage, despair into hope, weakness into power.

It is the one who has come into the realization of his own true self who carries this power with him and who radiates it wherever he goes,—the one who, as we say, has found his center. And in all the great universe there is but one center,—the Infinite Power that is working in and through all. The one who then has found his center is the one who has come into the realization of his oneness with this Infinite Power, the one who recognizes himself as a spiritual being, for God is spirit.

Such is the man of power. Centered in the Infinite, he has thereby, so to speak, connected himself with, he has attached his belts to, the great power-house of the universe. He is constantly drawing power to himself from all sources. For, thus centered, knowing himself, conscious of his own power, the thoughts that go from his mind are thoughts of strength; and by virtue of the law that like attracts like, he by his thoughts is continually attracting to himself from all quarters the aid of all whose thoughts are thoughts of strength, and in this way he is linking himself with this order of thought in the universe.

And so to him that hath, to him shall be given. This is simply the working of a natural law. His strong, positive, and hence constructive thought is continually working success for him along all lines, and continually bringing to him help from all directions. The things that he sees, that he creates in the ideal, are through the agency of this strong constructive thought continually clothing themselves, taking form, manifesting themselves in the material. Silent, unseen forces are at work which will sooner or later be made manifest in the visible.

Fear and all thoughts of failure never suggest themselves to such a man; or if they do, they are immediately sent out of his mind, and so he is not influenced by this order of thought from without. He does not attract it to him. He is in another current of thought. Consequently the weakening, failure-bringing thoughts of the fearing, the vacillating, the pessimistic about him, have no influence upon him.

The one who is of the negative, fearing kind not only has his energies and his physical agents weakened, or even paralyzed through the influence of this kind of thought that is born within him, but he also in this way connects himself with this order of thought in the world about him. And in the degree that he does this does he become a victim to the weak, fearing, negative minds all around him. Instead of growing in power, he increases in weakness.

He is in the same order of thought with those of whom it is true,—and even that which they have shall he taken away from them. This again is simply the working of a natural law, the same as is its opposite. Fearing lest I lose even what I have I hide it away in a napkin. Very well. I must then pay the price of my "fearing lest I lose."

Thoughts of strength both build strength from within and attract it from without. Thoughts of weakness actualize weakness from within and attract it from without.

Courage begets strength, fear begets weakness. And so courage begets success, fear begets failure. It is the man or the woman of faith, and hence of courage, who is the master of circumstances, and who makes his or her power felt in the world. It is the man or the woman who lacks faith and who as a consequence is weakened and crippled by fears and forebodings, who is the creature of all passing occurrences.

Within each one lies the cause
of whatever comes to him.

Each has it in his own hands
to determine what comes.

Everything in the visible, material world
has its origin in the unseen,
the spiritual, the thought world.

This is the world of cause,
the former is the world of effect.

The nature of the effect is always in accordance with the nature of the cause.

What one lives in his invisible, thought world,
he is continually actualizing
in his visible, material world.

If he would have any conditions
different in the latter
he must make the necessary change in the former.

A clear realization of this great fact would bring success to thousands of men and women who all about us are now in the depths of despair. It would bring health, abounding health and strength to thousands now diseased and suffering. It would bring peace and joy to thousands now unhappy and ill at ease.

And oh, the thousands all about us who are continually living in the slavery of fear. The spirits within that should be strong and powerful, are rendered weak and impotent. Their energies are crippled, their efforts are paralyzed.

"Fear is everywhere,—fear of want, fear of starvation, fear of public opinion, fear of private opinion, fear that what we own today may not be ours tomorrow, fear of sickness, fear of death. Fear has become with millions a fixed habit. The thought is everywhere. The thought is thrown upon us from every direction. . . . To live in continual dread, continual cringing, continual fear of anything, be it loss of love, loss of money, loss of position or situation, is to take the readiest means to lose what we fear we shall."

By fear nothing is to be gained, but on the contrary, everything is to be lost. "I know this is true," says one, "but I am given to fear; it's natural to me and I can't help it." Can't help it! In saying this you indicate one great reason of your fear by showing that you do not even know yourself as yet.

You must know yourself in order to know your powers, and not until you know them can you use them wisely and fully. Don't say you can't help it. If you think you can't, the chances are that you can't. If you think you can, and act in accordance with this thought, then not only are the chances that you can, but if you act fully in accordance with it, that you can and that you will is an absolute certainty.

It was Virgil who in describing the crew which in his mind would win the race, said of them,—They can because they think they can. In other words, this very attitude of mind on their part will infuse a spiritual power into their bodies that will give them the strength and endurance which will enable them to win.

Then take the thought that you can; take it merely as a seed-thought, if need be, plant it in your consciousness, tend it, cultivate it, and it will gradually reach out and gather strength from all quarters. It will focus and make positive and active the spiritual force within you that is now scattered and of little avail. It will draw to itself force from without. It will draw to your aid the influence of other minds of its own nature, minds that are fearless, strong, courageous. You will thus draw to yourself and connect yourself with this order of thought.

If earnest and faithful, the time will soon come when all fear will loose its hold; and instead of being an embodiment of weakness and a creature of circumstances, you will find yourself a tower of strength and a master of circumstances.

We need more faith in every-day life,—faith in the power that works for good, faith in the Infinite God, and hence faith in ourselves created in His image. And however things at times may seem to go, however dark at times appearances may be, the knowledge of the fact that "the Supreme Power has us in its charge as it has the suns and endless systems of worlds in space," will give us the supreme faith that all is well with us, the same as all is well with the world. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee."

There is nothing firmer, and safer, and surer than Deity. Then, as we recognize the fact that we have it in our own hands to open ourselves ever more fully to this Infinite Power, and call upon it to manifest itself in and through us, we will find in ourselves an ever increasing sense of power. For in this way we are working in conjunction with it, and it in turn is working in conjunction with us.

We are then led into the full realization of the fact that all things work together for good to those that love the good. Then the fears and forebodings that have dominated us in the past will be transmuted into faith, and faith when rightly understood and rightly used is a force before which nothing can stand.

Materialism leads naturally to pessimism. And how could it do otherwise? A knowledge of the Spiritual Power working in and through us as well as in and through all things, a power that works for righteousness, leads to optimism. Pessimism leads to weakness. Optimism leads to power.

The one who is centered in Deity is the one who not only outrides every storm, but who through the faith, and so, the conscious power that is in him, faces storm with the same calmness and serenity that he faces fair weather; for he knows well beforehand what the outcome will be. He knows that underneath are the everlasting arms. He it is who realizes the truth of the injunction, "Rest in the Lord, wait patiently for Him and He shall give thee thy heart's desire." All shall be given, simply given, to him who is ready to accept it. Can anything be clearer than this?

In the degree, then, that we work in conjunction with the Supreme Power do we need the less to concern ourselves about results. To live in the full realization of this fact and all that attends it brings peace, a full, rich, abiding peace,—a peace that makes the present complete, and that, going on before, brings back the assurance that as our days, so shall our strength be. The one who is thus centerd, even in the face of all the unrest and the turmoil about us, can realize and say—

"I stay my haste, I make delays,
For what avails this eager pace?
I stand amid eternal ways,
And what is mine shall know my face.

"Asleep, awake, by night or day,
The friends I seek are seeking me;
No wind can drive my bark astray,
Nor change the tide of destiny.

"The waters know their own, and draw
The brooks that spring in yonder heights
So flows the good with equal law
Unto the soul of pure delight.

"The stars come nightly to the sky;
The tidal wave unto the sea;
Nor time, nor space, nor deep, nor high.,
Can keep my own away from me."


...from "In Tune With the Infinite" by Ralph Waldo Trine


Seth's Perspective

"Realize that your physical experience and environment is the materialization of your beliefs.

If you find great exuberance, health, effective work, abundance, smiles on the faces of those who you meet, then take it for granted that your beliefs are beneficial.

If you see a world that is good, people like you, take it for granted again, that your beliefs are beneficial.

But if you find poor health, a lack of meaningful work, a lack of abundance, a world of sorrow and evil, then assume your beliefs are faulty and begin examining them."

Seth, "The Nature of Personal Reality"
"If you take upon yourselves tragedies that do not exist in your reality, in your moment; then you weaken your position and you weaken the position of those you think you are helping.

You look about you and you see only hopelessness and helplessness.

You organize your reality according to the tragedies of the newspapers!

The tragedies of the newspapers are symbols.

Those symbols represent "real" tragedies, but those tragedies do not exist in your moment unless you are participating in them.

Those who are involved in such tragedies feel a sense of hopeless and a loss of power in the present - and you do not help them by taking on the guise of hopelessness!"

Seth, "Conversations With Seth" by Sue Watkins
"Your experience in the world of physical matter flows outward from the center of your inner psyche. Then you perceive this experience.

Exterior events, circumstances and conditions are meant as a kind of 'living" feedback.

Altering the state of the psyche automatically alters the physical circumstances.

There is no other valid way of changing physical events.

It might help if you imagine an inner living dimension within yourself, in which you create, in miniature psychic form, all the exterior conditions that you know.

Simply put, you do exactly this."

Seth, The Nature of Personal Reality, "Where You and the World Meet"
More Seth stuff here.


"To live wisely, we must be aware of our imaginal activities or, at any rate, of the end which they are tending. We must see to it that it is the end we desire.

Wise imagining identifies itself only with such activities that are of value or promise well.

However much man seems to be dealing with a material world, he is actually living in a world of imagination. When he discovers that it is not the physical world of fact but imaginal activities which shape his life, then the physical world will no longer be the reality, and the world of imagination no longer the dream."



Awakened Imagination

Truth depends upon the intensity of the imagination not upon external facts. Facts are the fruit bearing witness of the use or misuse of the imagination.

Man becomes what he imagines. He has a self-determined history.

Imagination is the way, the truth, the life revealed. We cannot get hold of truth with the logical mind.

Where the natural man of sense sees a bud, imagination sees a rose full-blown.

Truth cannot be encompassed by facts.

As we awaken to the imaginative life we discover that to imagine a thing is so makes it so, that a true judgment need not conform to the external reality to which it relates.

The imaginative man does not deny the reality of the sensuous outer world of Becoming, but he knows that it is the inner world of continuous Imagination that is the force by which the sensuous outer world of Becoming is brought to pass. He sees the outer world and all its happenings as projections of the inner world of Imagination. To him everything is a manifestation of the mental activity which goes on in man's imagination without the sensuous reasonable man being aware of it.

But he realizes that every man must become conscious of this inner activity and see the relationship between the inner causal world of imagination and the sensuous outer world of effects.

It is a marvelous thing to find that you can imagine yourself into the state of your fulfilled desire and escape from the jails which ignorance built.

The Real Man is a Magnificent Imagination.

It is this self that must be awakened.


Man must firmly come to believe that reality lies within him and not without.

The world presents different appearances according as our states of consciousness differ. What we see when we are identified with a state cannot be seen when we are no longer fused with it. By "state" is meant all that man believes and consents to as true.

No idea presented to the mind can realize itself unless the mind accepts it. It depends on the acceptance, the state with which we are identified, how things present themselves.

In the fusion of imagination and states is to be found the shaping of the world as it seems. The world is a revelation of the states with which imagination is fused. It is the state from which we think that determines the objective world in which we live.

The rich man, the poor man, the good man, the thief, are what they are by virtue of the states from which they view the world. On the distinction between these states depends the distinction between the worlds of these men. Individually so different is this same world.

It is not the actions and behavior of the good man that should be matched but his point of view. Outer reforms are useless if the inner state is not changed. Success is gained not by imitating the outer actions of the successful but by right inner actions and inner talking.

If we detach ourselves from a state, and we may at any moment, the conditions and circumstances to which that union gave being vanish.

Man lives by committing himself to invisible states, by fusing his imagination with what he knows to be other than himself, and in this union he experiences the results of that fusion. No one can lose what he has, save by detachment from the state where the things experienced have their natural life.

The world which we describe from observation must be as we describe it relative to ourselves. Our imagination connects us with the state desired.

But we must use imagination masterfully, not as an onlooker thinking of the end, but as a partaker thinking from the end. We must actually be there in imagination. If we do this, our subjective experience will be realized objectively.

Determined imagination, thinking from the end, is the beginning of all miracles.

The future must become the present in the imagination of the one who would wisely and consciously create circumstances. We must translate vision into Being, thinking of into thinking from, Imagination must center itself in some state and view the world from that state.

Thinking from the end is an intense perception of the world of fulfilled desire. Thinking from the state desired is creative living. Ignorance of this ability to think from the end is bondage. It is the root of all bondage with which man is bound.

To passively surrender to the evidence of the senses under-estimates the capacities of the Inner Self. Once man accepts thinking from the end as a creative principle in which he can cooperate, then he is redeemed from the absurdity of ever attempting to achieve his objective by merely thinking of it.

Construct all ends according to the pattern of fulfilled desire.

The whole of life is just the appeasement of hunger, and the infinite states of consciousness from which a man can view the world are purely a means of satisfying that hunger. The principle upon which each state is organized is some form of hunger to lift the passion for self-gratification to ever higher and higher levels of experience.

Desire is the mainspring of the mental machinery. It is a blessed thing. It is a right and natural craving which has a state of consciousness as its right and natural satisfaction.

The spanning of the bridge between desire — thinking of— and satisfaction — thinking from — is all-important.

We must move mentally from thinking of the end to thinking from the end. This, reason could never do. By its nature it is restricted to the evidence of the senses; but imagination, having no such limitation, can.

Desire exists to be gratified in the activity of imagination. Through imagination man escapes from the limitation of the senses and the bondage of reason.

There is no stopping the man who can think from the end. Nothing can stop him.


Neville Goddard


Outward Actions of an Inward Existence

There is a constant
give and take
between each individual 
and his or her society.

The divisions and characteristics
of any particular civilization
will be a perfect exterior representation
of the overall attributes
of the people within it,
as they relate to one another
and as they see themselves.

The exterior dimensions
are replicas of
interior personal ones.

The accomplishments, wars,
difficulties and institutions
are all
"after the event"

--- that is,

they are outward actions
of an inward existence.

Under certain conditions
water turns into ice.

In the same way,
interior events can appear
in physical reality
in a quite different form
than the original.

(from the book, "The Nature of Personal Reality," by Jane Roberts.)