There was a great spiritual master, Kirpal Singh, who taught, among many other wonderful things, that we ought to see the good in situations and especially in each other. His philosophy emphasized the family of humankind. Even in situations where someone may be falling short of our expectations or ideas about how they should be, he emphasized seeing the good, recognizing whatever might be there that could be appreciated and valued in its own right.
Seeing is creative. Indeed, the etymological root of the word eye also is found in the word fountain, suggesting that our gaze upon something showers it with our vision, so that our seeing, far from being something passive, interacts creatively with the thing seen.
To see the good, then, is to invite the good, to bring it forth, to summon it into expression. What we see always reflects who we have chosen to be. As Field training teaches, identity is creative.
This week, if you’re willing, consider looking at some problem differently. Try seeing the good, and watch what happens. Undertaken earnestly, it can have a profound and dramatic effect. Such seeing can work like a key to open our closed heart, and even the closed hearts of others.
Technorati Tags: Field Center, Consciousness, Metaphysics, Reality